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Custom Web Design

Your website is often the first impression people have of your company, we all know how important it is to make a good first impression. Google says the average user takes about 50 milliseconds to form a first impression on your website and decide whether to stay or leave. Our team of custom web designers works with you to create a design that will retain users and convert them into leads and sales, all within a user friendly CMS our clients can maintain and manage on their own. We want you and your users to have a better experience on your website and look great all at the same time.

Need a New Custom Web Design? Let us Know!

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Your website should be an asset, not a headache. Our process begins with a discovery session collaborating with our team and yours. This session we hash out problems and pain points you want to solve with your new design. We also will discuss assets, company branding and any other design related questions that might arise. This is also where we can discuss and go over any goals and features you would like on your new website and how we can accomplish them. Another option is to download our free Website Redesign RFP Template to get you started.

Chat With Us To Get Your Custom Design Started

Research & Analysis

Another part of our discovery process is diving into a UX Analysis of your company and it all starts with in-depth research of your company, your customers, your competitors, and more. To further understand your prospective customers, we will do a competitive analysis of some of your top competitors and high-traffic sites in your industry. We will also create mock user personas to understand the visitors coming to your site and analyze Google analytics to get a clear picture of how they interact with your current website design.

This information is then passed on to our custom design team who will use the info to start creating the structure of your website page by designing wireframes.

Learn More About Our UX Analysis Service

Research & Analysis

Site Map Creation

A sitemap is an overview of your website's page structure and shows the relationship of the page to each other. This is critical for both the user experience (UX) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Foremost Media designers will work with you to create a sitemap for your new website that is optimized for both. Your new sitemap will show your site's top navigation and the sub pages related to the top level pages, such as Products, Services, Resources, Contact Us, etc. Your site map may even show pages outside the main navigation such as landing pages.

After identifying the pages, we will sort them into a visual hierarchy and clearly represent traffic between them by connecting the pages together that make up each individual information category. We will also work with you to identify where the content required for the new site will come from. Content for the pages can come from an existing website, a brochure, a current video, or brand new content custom-tailored for the new website. Your sitemap is basically a blueprint for your new custom web design.​

Custom web Design Visual Site Map

Basic graphic of typical wireframes

Wireframe Creation

A sitemap can be a bit abstract, especially ones that are very large. Taking the sitemap to wireframe starts the first real concrete visual process for a project.

A wireframe uses basic boxes and lines to define the location of the content, indicating where the text will reside, images will be positioned, as well as various other elements like buttons, form fields, navigation, etc. This is all done before the actual images and content are created so we can concentrate on the structure of a page without being influenced by colors or visuals. A website wireframe is a great way to clarify your vision for the entire web development team. Foremost Media will develop a wireframe mockup of your website's homepage and other key pages as needed.

The wireframes help to make the design process iterative. Instead of combining the functionality/layout and creative/branding aspects of the website in one step, wireframes ensure these elements are taken in one at a time. This allows you (and other team members) to provide feedback earlier in the process.

Wireframe layouts also help:
  • Save time and money on development costs.
  • Get all parties involved in the new website on the same page about what the website is supposed accomplish and starts the thought process for how certain elements on the page will function.
  • Map out the main features and navigation of a new website design.
  • Keep the stakeholder purely focused on what content will be and where it will be placed on the page and not distracted by such items as what the art such as photos and illustrations look like or if the colors go together.

High Fidelity Custom Web Designs And Prototypes

Once you have approved your new wireframe, it's time to start bringing your custom website to life.

This includes building out the new site's homepage and interior pages by adding content, imagery, and your branding. Your user interface (UI) will be flushed out to work with your already established user flow and incorporate visual cues with contrast and consistency to help guide your users through your website.

We will also go through and show you what certain interactions will look like. Hover states, drop down menus and even some of the more simple animated elements. You will be provided with an interactive prototype link powered by Adobe XD where you can interact and comment on your new design throughout the process in your browser.

Contact Us To Start Your Redesign Process

High Fidelity Custom Web Designs And Prototypes
Final Approval Website Launch

Final Approval & Website Launch

Our team of  development professionals will take the approved design and begin writing the code to deliver you a fully-functional website. Cross-browser compatibility, optimized code for performance, minimal load times, and other web development best practices will be a constant focus. During the build phase, you will have a link to a staging environment to view and provide feedback. All the while, your current site remains live until this is 100% ready to go.

Post-design and post-development. Once you are satisfied with the website and have approved the launch, our hosting team will work with your IT department to make the site launches smoothly. And our service department will schedule a time to get some CMS training for your team to begin using your new website!

Start A Conversation About Your New Website Today