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Social Media Marketing Packages Designed For Businesses

Expertly designed to go beyond just posting for the sake of posting.

When You Need Social Media To Produce Results

Whether you need more leads, sales, or even new hires, our team of social media experts will make it happen. We’ve helped businesses manage their social media since MySpace. No fluff, industry jargon, or buzzwords, just the results needed. Networks and algorithms may change but you don’t have to worry about that when you hire us.

How We Get Started

Our team takes the time necessary to familiarize themselves with your business and industry. This includes identifying where competitors are having success and where there are opportunities. This also includes establishing the goals and objectives you want us to achieve with managing your social media. With these in place, our team will create a custom strategy for the upcoming months with KPIs.


How Much Do Our Social Media Packages Cost?

Check out our pricing below. Our packages are designed to grow your business with social media management. But we know every situation is unique. That’s why we also offer custom packages. Let’s chat!


Elevate your social media presence across the most popular social media platforms. With weekly postings and monitoring, this package will give you the consistent activity you need to have success on these channels.

  • 1 post per week on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • 1x month strategy meeting with the account manage
  • Weekly monitoring of social media channels


The Leader

Stop comparing your social media channels to the others in the industry. Be the one they compare themselves to when it comes to creative social campaigns that deliver results.

  • 5 posts a week across 5 channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok)
  • Video editing for posts
  • 2x monthly strategy meeting
  • Daily monitoring of social channels


Social Media Package Comparison

Compare each of the packages we offer. Want something extra?
No problem! Just contact us.

  Essentials Beyond Leader
Monthly Price $600/mo $1550/mo $2400/mo
Deep Social Media Audit into Managed Channels
Extensive Competitive Analysis
Profile Creation and Optimization Where Necessary
Goal Establishment
Kick-Off Call
Social Media Audit with Recommendations
Dedicated Account Manager
Approval Workflow for Posts
Scheduling across unmanaged social networks
Custom Images
Boosted Posts (Ad Spend Additional)
Monthly Reporting
Video Editing for Posts    
Posting Schedule 1 post per week on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn 3 posts a week on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and 1 additional channel (Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok). 5 posts a week across 5 channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok)
Strategy Meetings Once a month Once a month Twice a month
Social Monitoring Weekly 3 times per week Daily

FAQs on Our Tailored Social Media Marketing Solutions

Curious about how our social media marketing packages can elevate your brand? Check out our comprehensive FAQ section for insights and answers!


What are the Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Your Business?

Employing a social media marketing strategy enhances your business in several crucial areas. It boosts customer satisfaction, with over 65% of consumers turning to social platforms for customer service. Neglecting social media could harm client happiness and lead to poor reviews. Social media also plays a pivotal role in increasing brand awareness, aiding in guiding potential customers towards eventual purchases. Furthermore, it strengthens customer loyalty, as seen with more than half of American social media users showing loyalty to brands they follow. As such, social media marketing is becoming an essential part of successful business growth strategies.

What Features Should You Look for in a Social Media Advertising Package?

When considering a social media advertising package, key aspects include tailored plans, sophisticated audience targeting, a variety of campaign and ad options, transparent reporting, regular updates, and clear pricing structure. It's also crucial to assess the agency itself, not just the package. Factors to consider are the agency's experience, portfolio quality, team talent, industry recognition, client feedback, and technological resources. Choosing an agency like Foremost Media, known for its extensive experience, skilled team, and robust client testimonials, provides a tangible edge in the social media marketplace.

Which Social Media Platforms Are Ideal for Your Business?

Selecting the right social media platforms for your business involves a strategic approach rather than following trends. Considering the investment of time, energy, and budget, it's wise to focus initially on one or two platforms that align closely with your business objectives. Prioritize making frequent, high-quality posts to fully engage with your chosen platforms. For more detailed guidance on selecting the most suitable social media channels for your business, explore our blog that offers specific insights and tips.

How do you decide what to post on our social media channels?

Our social media experts closely follow your industry trends and competition to generate relevant content ideas. We also derive inspiration from your website, covering a variety of topics such as employee highlights, job openings, new product releases, and product details. Our team is adept at creating engaging and creative content that resonates with your audience.

How do you keep up with what's going on in our business?

Regular communication is key to our approach. During our scheduled touch bases, we come prepared with content ideas and questions to ensure we're aligned with your business's latest developments. We quickly become an extension of your marketing team, staying in tune with your business needs and ensuring all posts are approved by you before publishing.

What if I have specific ideas for social media posts?

We welcome your input and ideas for social media content. Our goal is to collaborate with you to create posts that accurately reflect your brand and engage your audience. You can share your ideas during our regular touch bases, and we'll work together to incorporate them into your social media strategy.

How can I ensure that the social media posts align with our brand and message?

We provide a comprehensive proofing system that allows you to review draft posts before they go live. You can suggest changes, deny, or approve each post, giving you full control over your social media content. This system ensures that all posts are in line with your brand's message and meet your approval before publication.

What if I'm too busy to engage with social media regularly?

We understand that your schedule can be demanding. That's why we plan and schedule posts in advance, ensuring a consistent flow of content even during your busiest times. This approach keeps your social media channels active and engaging, maintaining your online presence without requiring daily input from you.

Why Should Your Company Opt for a Social Media Marketing Package?

Investing in a social media marketing package with Foremost Media provides several advantages. It gives you access to the expertise of specialized social media professionals, alleviates the workload of your in-house team, and enhances the effectiveness of your existing social media campaigns. While in-house management is possible, partnering with Foremost Media can lead to superior results, leveraging our seasoned team and advanced marketing tools. Moreover, our services complement your direct social media engagement, encouraging you to share unique, business-related content with your audience.

What are the Benefits of Social Media Advertising for Businesses?

Social media advertising presents significant opportunities for businesses, like Foremost Media's clients, to reach and engage with their target audience effectively. With the average person spending a substantial portion of their internet time on social media, ads on these platforms provide a strategic way to connect with potential customers at various stages of the buying process. Additionally, social media ads are instrumental in building brand awareness and can be particularly effective for promoting specific products or services. A well-crafted social media ad strategy can transform your online presence, drawing in top-funnel users and ultimately leading to conversions and sales.

What Constitutes an Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy?

An effective social media marketing strategy bridges the gap between your overarching business goals and social media initiatives. It helps in identifying which social platforms to focus on, the types of content that resonate, and how social media aligns with your broader business objectives. A robust strategy serves as a foundational guide, incorporating content themes, customer demographics, brand values, and clear goals alongside key performance indicators (KPIs). This strategic blueprint is essential for ensuring your social media efforts are targeted, consistent, and reflective of your business ethos.

Which Metrics Are Key in Evaluating Social Media Performance?

Choosing the right metrics to evaluate your social media performance should align with your specific business goals. Essential metrics include Impressions to gauge brand visibility, Engagement to measure audience interaction, Mentions to assess brand conversation frequency, Social Referral Traffic to track website visits from social platforms, and Followers to monitor your social network size. For a comprehensive analysis, it's beneficial to compare social media metrics with other marketing channels to understand their relative effectiveness in lead generation and qualification.

Can you help with social media account setup and optimization?

Yes, our experts are dedicated to helping you set up or optimize your social media channels. We provide strategic guidance to help you gain followers and enhance your online presence. Our success is directly tied to yours, so we're committed to ensuring your social media efforts thrive.

How do you measure the success of our social media campaigns?

The measurement of success is tailored to your specific goals. Whether you're focused on online sales, job applications, form submissions, or phone calls, we can set up robust conversion tracking to monitor these metrics. The first step is understanding your objectives, and then we build reporting and tracking systems to measure progress towards those goals.

How do you handle negative comments or feedback on our social media channels?

Managing negative comments and feedback is a crucial aspect of maintaining a positive online presence. Our approach involves:

  1. Prompt Response: We believe in addressing negative comments quickly to show your audience that you value their feedback and are committed to resolving any issues.
  2. Professionalism: We maintain a professional and courteous tone in all responses, ensuring that your brand's image remains positive.
  3. Problem-Solving: Our goal is to understand the root cause of the complaint and offer a constructive solution, turning a negative experience into a positive one whenever possible.
  4. Monitoring: We continuously monitor your social media channels for any negative feedback, ensuring that no comment goes unnoticed.
  5. Escalation: If necessary, we can escalate the issue to your team for further action, ensuring that complex issues are handled appropriately.

For more insights on managing negative comments on social media, check out our blog post: Manage Negative Comments on Facebook.

What Package Is Best For You?

Not sure which option will produce the highest ROI for your business? We are here to help!

Let's Chat Social Media Marketing