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UX Analysis - Your Guide to Smarter Designs

User experience (UX) analysis is the process of collecting data to measure the interaction between users and a website, mobile application, or other product. UX analysis provides an understanding of customer satisfaction by examining how easily users are able to navigate your site and pinpointing problem areas. The data reveals design and/or user interface elements that should be improved to make the user experience as painless and intuitive as possible.

Our UX Analysis takes a deep dive into your business realm to ensure our designs are based on more than simply opinions or generic best practices. Examining both quantitative and qualitative data provides us with numerical metrics and subjective user perceptions — a “big picture” approach that enables us to make recommendations gleaned from robust insights, a comprehensive understanding of your industry, and a keen awareness of your competitors.

It's our way of crafting custom designs that are uniquely tailored to your business.

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Ux Analysis Mockup

What do you receive?

You'll receive a meticulously compiled PDF that summarizes how users are interacting with your website and offers suggestions for improvement in key areas. It encapsulates our understanding of your business, industry, and competition, and serves as a testament to the knowledge gained through an in-depth review of your unique context and the careful deliberation that goes into the solutions we offer you.

The PDF will include examples and insights that we've gathered throughout our analysis.

How do we compile the data into a single report?

We have found that collaboration is key in providing a comprehensive list of suggestions for an improved user experience. Relying on the expertise of individuals in a wide range of specialties is the best way to uncover items that a single person or department might otherwise overlook.

Our UX Analysis is based on the collaborative efforts of a team of specialists across different departments, each of whom contributes their own unique insight and expertise to create a comprehensive deliverable. We collect input from experienced designers, front-end developers, and creative/technical marketing specialists to provide a well-rounded report containing a list of actionable items that can be implemented to enhance the user experience. As a result, you should see improvements in conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and referrals.

Verifying design leads to action

The Process

Your UX Analysis involves the following strategic steps.

Marketing Analysis

The marketing analysis phase is key in helping us determine your strengths and weaknesses. It includes a thorough investigation of your current market position and a detailed study of your ranking alongside competitors. We analyze your existing content and SEO strategies, propose a potential sitemap, and create user stories.

Design Analysis - Market Trends

Design involves more than just an attractive interface; users want functionality, and the design analysis phase helps us uncover not only how well your site delivers, but improvements you can make based on what’s popular and successful in your industry today. We delve into an analysis of market trends, identifying what leading competitors are doing and how their strategies might be applicable to your business.

Consolidation Meeting

The consolidation meeting is an opportunity for our marketing and design teams to come together, sharing their findings and analyzing the data gathered from each phase. Analyzing input from diverse user groups with different needs allows us to draw up recommendations that are aligned and effective.

Analysis Deliverable

Finally, our designer compiles all the insights and recommendations into a structured, easy-to-understand deliverable, using our standard template. All areas, from research to final design, are analyzed carefully. You’ll have a record of all the work that occurred during the analysis, including usability metrics and data, broken down by section. Armed with this information, you’ll be ready to take action.