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nopCommerce Maintenance

It is recommended to perform basic maintenance on a regular basis. This helps prevent database bloat which helps keep your site running smoother. Think of it as cleaning unneeded data which means that any searches or serving up of data has less to comb through.

We recommend you perform maintenance once a month if you get a fair amount of traffic on your website.

Navigate to System > Maintenance in the admin menu to perform routine maintenance.

Deleting Guest Customer Records

  1. Set an end date to remove all records prior to that date. Typically you would keep about 30 days worth of records.
  2. You can opt to only remove those without a shopping cart if you wish. You may not want to keep those with a shopping cart indefinitely, but you could keep those longer if you wish and perform each option at different time spans.

Deleting Abandoned Shopping Carts

  1. Set created before date where all carts created before said date will be removed.

Deleting Old Exported Files

All the exported and generated files (such as PDF and Excel files) will be deleted and removed from the database.

  1. Set start and end date as needed

Delete Already Sent Emails

If your site is sending a large number of emails, you may wish to perform this option to alleviate the amount of data being stored in the database. Based on any internal practices within your organization, you may wish to keep 30, 60 or 90 days.

  1. Set the start and end dates to respect the amount of time you wish to remove those records for
    1. Note: you can view existing records via System > Message queue