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Using Roles to Manage Pricing and Content in NOP Commerce

Using customer roles in NOP Commerce allows store owners to form groups for store users. These roles allow certain users/customers to have varying access, pricing and other special statuses.

The default or system roles available in NOP are:

  • Administrators
  • Forum Moderators
  • Guests
  • Registered
  • Vendors

Benefits of Using Customer Roles

Customer roles allow you to provide access or functionality involving:

  • Discounts
  • Free shipping
  • Tiered pricing
  • Specific products
  • Specific topic pages

Creating New Customer Roles

When there is a need for new roles to provide more functionality to a group of customers, you may need to add a customer role. You may wish to use a role to control access.

To create a new customer role:

  1. Go to Customers > Customer roles
  2. Click the Add new button in the upper right
  3. Add the name and select any of the built in options for the role such as free shipping, tax exempt, etc.
    • Note: For the purchased with product option, a customer is added to this customer role once a specified product is purchased (paid). In case of refund or order cancellation you have to manually remove a customer from this role.

Controlling Access to Content With Customer Roles

Within your store, you can use customer roles to limit or give additional access to products and topics. To limit a category, product or topic page to a role, you can add the role to the Customer roles option for product and topics. Just click the box and select the roles you wish to allow access to the product or topic. For categories, the option is located on the Mappings accordion pane.


Using Customer Roles for Tiered Pricing

If you’re looking to provide tiered pricing based on a customer role as well as quantity, you can do so by selecting a Customer role when you add or edit tiered pricing in the pricing pane. Tiered pricing is located on the bottom of the pricing pane.


Customer Role-based Discounts

With NOP Commerce’s core implementation for discounts, you can set a requirement which limits a discount to a customer role. This is likely something that would apply to a new role you create rather than one of the five system roles.

The requirement can be set via the Requirements pane on a discount. To configure the requirement, select “Must be assigned to customer role” for the Discount requirement type. Then select the role from the dropdown of available roles for the Required customer role option.

Limiting Admin Area Access

Within your organization, if you have a need to give people access to a portion of the admin area, you can do so via roles. A great example of the need for this customization is that you wish to allow someone to manage orders, but do not want them to have access to other admin functionality.

To modify the permissions associated with roles:

  1. Go to Configuration > Access control list
  2. Customize the access based on the Permission name by checking or unchecking the box in the column under the role name.

If you’re looking for the functionality to control access via customer roles and have questions on concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team for advice or assistance.

About NopCommerce & Foremost Media

NopCommerce offers a robust foundation for those looking to establish or enhance their e-commerce presence. This platform's versatility is matched by Foremost Media's deep expertise in navigating its complexities to deliver outstanding online stores. As certified nopCommerce developers, our team at Foremost Media is equipped with the knowledge and experience to exploit the full potential of this platform, ensuring that your e-commerce solution is not just functional but also forward-thinking. Beyond development, we offer comprehensive training services, empowering your team with the know-how to leverage nopCommerce's features to their fullest. Our design services are tailored to create visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces that encapsulate your brand's essence, engaging visitors and encouraging conversions. Additionally, our specialized SEO services for nopCommerce sites are designed to enhance your online store's visibility and search rankings, drawing in a targeted audience ready to convert. With Foremost Media, you're not just choosing an e-commerce platform; you're elevating your online presence with a suite of services designed to bring your digital marketplace to the forefront of your industry.