Davis Playgrounds

Web Design


Davis Playgrounds is an Arkansas distributor for BCI Burke, a leading manufacturer of commercial playground and recreation equipment based in Wisconsin. They were looking to redesign their website so it was more customizable and easier to use. We were happy to help them achieve their goal.

Upgrade to 2sxc Adds Customization

The client’s existing site was fine from a design standpoint, but the publishing module they were using for their homepage slider, product pages, and image gallery lacked the flexibility to make anything more than basic styling changes. We updated their EasyDNN gallery to DNN 2sxc, a content management module that is more modern, easier to use, and offers more robust customization.

Have a Project?

Scrolling through our portfolio is a great way to get some ideas. But an even better way is to chat with us one-on-one. 

Durable Safe

And Fun


With an improved content management module, Davis Playgrounds’ website is now easier to navigate. We were able to add customized features previously unavailable on the old site. While the look of the site hasn’t changed much, the layout is cleaner, and the product pages and photo and video galleries are easier to navigate. 

If your website lacks the customization you require, we can help. Contact us today for a free quote!





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