MEC Outdoors Case Study

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Boosting Return On Ad Spend By 250%

MEC Outdoors (Mayville Engineering Company) has been manufacturing shotshell reloaders under the MEC brand since 1955 in Mayville, Wisconsin. Over the years, they have produced millions of shotshell reloaders, from single stage to fully progressive units. MEC Clay Target Machines were introduced in 2013, and in 2016, they expanded their line to include the MEC Marksman metallic reloader and accessories. All products are shipped throughout the U.S. and abroad.

The Challenge

The client’s Google Ads campaigns weren’t performing to expectations. They were gunning to increase revenue and see a better return on their ad spend.

The Solution

Foremost Media conducted an analysis of MEC’s current PPC campaigns. This helped shine a light on some opportunities for improvement and allowed us to create a plan that would help the client achieve their desired results. 

Our first order of business involved restructuring MEC’s existing campaigns. It was apparent that their budget was spread too thin to accommodate the number of campaigns, ad groups, and ads they were currently running. This made it tough to gather any meaningful data and created an obstacle to optimization. It also helps drive home an important point: sometimes, less is more!  

After reviewing all campaigns and ad groups, we hit the pause button on underperforming campaigns and ad groups, re-allocating the budgets to higher-performing campaigns. In addition, we created a “catch-all” Dynamic Search Ads campaign with targeted keywords designed to spread traffic out among all products.

At the same time, we transformed the original shopping campaign into a Performance Max goal-based campaign in order to cast a wider net. All campaign bid settings were adjusted to focus on maximizing conversion value. 

Next up, we took aim at boosting the ads’ CTR. Our goal was a lower cost per click, which would translate into a higher return on ad spend. New ad copy and detailed sitelink extensions, callouts, images, and structured snippets were the weapons in our arsenal…and they ended up hitting their mark! 

The Results

Our updated campaign and optimization efforts led to a significant increase in performance in all areas of the account.  

Performace Analytics Chart


4th Qtr 2021

4th Qtr 2022






10.30 X

25.94 X












We’ll continue to keep our eyes on MEC’s account performance and pay attention to the data in order to optimize campaigns. We’re also currently testing out some new campaigns we hope will further increase revenue and return on ad spend.