United Industries Sell Sheets


United Industries in Beloit, Wisconsin has been manufacturing tubing for over 80 years and has offered laser welding capabilities since 1992. They were in need of graphic design services and approached Foremost Media for help 

Graphic Design with Variations

The client needed graphic designs for a variety of marketing and trade show materials, including updated sell sheets/product line cards. They also requested help with page layout design. Various categories and subject areas called for some variation in the design, so we came up with multiple versions for use in different collateral. 

Sell Sheets Include Technical Specs & Photos

Sell sheets were particularly important to United Industries, as they would serve as leave-behind material for prospective customers. To create informational and visually appealing documents to showcase their products, we organized the table of contents and provided detailed specifications for readers that included high quality images.


The client was happy with the designs we provided, and the sell sheets work as a great sales tool to hand out at trade shows and other industry events. 

If you are in need of graphic design services and marketing collateral, our design team can create high quality branded material you can use internally and leave behind with prospective clients. Contact us today for a free quote!