

Web Design



Yamazen manufactures high-performance machine tools for customers across a wide range of industries. They approached Foremost Media with a request to update their website to give it a more modern look and feel while also improving their SEO.


CTAs, Mega Menu Boost Engagement

This project was a great opportunity to let multiple Foremost departments showcase their talents. The design team focused on adding clear CTAs to drive customers to the client’s products and specifications. A thorough UX analysis provided insight into how and where to place content that would be most helpful for visitors.


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Scrolling through our portfolio is a great way to get some ideas. But an even better way is to chat with us one-on-one.

Custom Animations, Dark Theme Set the Site Apart

Our developers delivered a clean and modern layout with unique elements to improve the look and feel of the site, adding a mega menu to make it easier to use. Custom animations, and a dark theme versus a more traditional lighter one, bring the site to life and help it stand out from the competition. The marketing team put their finishing touches on the site by working through the initial SEO research to make it easier for more potential customers to find Yamazen.


Tooling & Automation



The client is thrilled with their new site and looking forward to a long-lasting relationship with Foremost. With a unique look and improved functionality, they are really able to show off their capabilities and make the user experience a positive one. 

If your website is outdated and you’d like to stand out from the competition by adding unique elements while also boosting your search engine rankings, our entire team can help deliver a site you’ll be proud of. Contact us today for a free quote!





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