V. Defamation Policy
Websites hosted on Foremost Media, Inc.'s servers in the U.S. are regulated by U.S. law. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act, Foremost Media, Inc.'s policy is not to remove allegedly defamatory material from websites hosted on our servers unless the material has been found to be defamatory by a court, as evidenced by a court order. As a webhost, Foremost Media, Inc. is not a publisher of User content and we are not in a position to investigate the veracity of individual defamation claims. We rely on the legal system and the courts to determine whether or not material is indeed defamatory. In any case in which a court order indicates that material is defamatory, libelous, or slanderous in nature, we will disable access to the material. Similarly, in any case in which a U.S. court has placed an injunction against specified content or material being made available, we will comply and remove or disable access to the material in question.
VI. AUP Violations
- If there is a violation of this AUP by one of a reseller's client's account, Foremost Media, Inc. will suspend the website in question and will notify the reseller so that the reseller can terminate the account. Foremost Media, Inc. may, but is not obligated to, monitor the account or website for any subsequent violations. The occurrence of additional violations may result in the immediate termination of your reseller account.
Direct Customers
- Your Services may be terminated with or without notice upon any violation of this AUP. If applicable, violations will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.