Foremost Manufacturing ECom Show Piece

Web Design


This is an internal project for Foremost Media. We wanted to create a sample eCommerce site to act as a showcase for the type of client work we do. The goal was to take as much creative liberty as we needed, and possibly submit this for future design award consideration.

Sample eCommerce Site Demonstrate Our Capabilities

Demonstrating our capabilities meant creating an eCommerce site for a fictional client (Linear Bearings) featuring an impactful and responsive modern design with user-friendly interface elements and higher-end design on more pages. We added product and application information, a design/configure tool, blog, resources page, search and login buttons, and shopping care, among other features.Demonstrating our capabilities meant creating an eCommerce site for a fictional client (Linear Bearings) featuring an impactful and responsive modern design with user-friendly interface elements and higher-end design on more pages. We added product and application information, a design/configure tool, blog, resources page, search and login buttons, and shopping care, among other features.

Have a Project?

Scrolling through our portfolio is a great way to get some ideas. But an even better way is to chat with us one-on-one. 


Our finished website is a great example of the work we can do, incorporating features found on today’s successful eCommerce sites. It features a clean, modern design; intuitive layout; high-quality imagery; prominent CTAs; and consistent branding. 

If you want an eCommerce site with modern functionality and features similar to our showcase site, we can create a custom site optimized for your unique needs. Contact us today for a free quote!

Foremost Media

eCommerce Showpiece