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Ransomware Attack – Windows Patch

As you may already be aware, on May 12, 2017 a new strain of the Ransom.CryptXXX (WannaCry) began spreading widely impacting a large number of organizations around the world and particularly in Europe.

Rest assured that the Foremost Media team works endlessly to perform regular maintenance and updates- including regular windows updates that help prevent our systems from being infected and this attack has NOT effected the Foremost Media hosting network.

Due to the severity of the exploit, an update we highly recommend that you review your systems especially if your running software on your PC's is past it's life-cycle (like Windows XP.) If you are unsure if you are patched we strongly recommend you contact your IT support team. You can also verify that you have received the update here https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx. If you have yet to install the Microsoft fix—MS17-010— you should do so immediately.

In addition to the patch mentioned above please be extremely suspicious of all e-mails you receive, particularly those that ask the recipient to open attached documents or click on Web links.