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Document Management for Manufacturers

Advanced document management for MSDS sheets, sell sheets, parts drawings, technical bulletins and other important documents manufacturers need to share.

Document Management Features For Industrial Websites

Most manufacturing companies have an abundance of technical documentation for their products like MSDS sheets, parts drawings, technical bulletins and more. Managing these documents on a manufacturer's website can be a complex task. Our online document management system can make that task much more manageable by organizing your documents in a simple folder structure then providing excellent tools for document management tasks like revision control, access control and much more. Our document management system makes updating and sharing your documents with your employees, distributors and the general public a breeze.

Organize your content

  • Store your files in a folder structure, just as you would when using your trusted Windows Explorer. Any document belongs to exactly one folder.
  • Organize your files using categories. Any document can belong to multiple categories.

Share content

  • Share your files. Every DM module is a virtual drive into an underlying folder structure.
  • Link to content in DM using a URL that will navigate to content automatically.
  • Syndicate content from DM using RSS.


  • Use the search box above the file list to quickly filter a list, without interaction with the server (i.e. this is lightning-fast).
  • The search engine is configurable and can be set per portal.
  • Document contents are indexed using the DotLucene® search engine or MS Indexing Service.
  • Use our unique on-screen search panel to search the entire contents of the repository.
  • Search on any field or combination of fields.
  • Use an advanced search box to compile your own Lucene syntax queries.
  • Limit search to folder/subfolders.
  • Highlights in search results.


  • Subscribe to content and be notified upon changes.
  • Use of tokens means admin can make custom notifications.
  • The notification mechanism can be expanded for use in custom applications.
  • Notifications are pooled and sent in batches to avoid email floods.
  • Email documents from within the module to others. (new)
  • RSS syndication.
  • Restrict to category.
  • Restrict to folder.
  • You can specify a custom filter to further limit the content being syndicated.
  • Set number of items to syndicate.
  • RSS feed includes document metadata in extension (in its own namespace).

Document Upload/Download

  • Use the wizard to upload content. Uploading becomes much more user-friendly using a wizard interface, guiding the user through the process.
  • Upload control shows progress and prevents mishaps. The upload control gives the user feedback about the upload process.
  • Upload multiple files at once.
  • Double-click download.
  • Download by email.
  • Choose between upload controls.
  • Unzip on upload.
  • Specify a thumbnail for a document.


  • Every item (folder, document, etc.) has its own security settings.
  • Permissions are both role- and user-based.
  • Permissions are extensible. By default ADD, VIEW, EDIT, APPROVE are available. For custom applications, more can be added.
  • By default, permissions are inherited upon creation of an item.
  • Files are hashed and renamed to prevent direct download.
  • Files can be saved outside the portal root and even to a network share to complicate tampering.
  • Administrators can decide to switch off permission settings by regular users for particular branches of the document tree.
  • Document Administrators can revive documents from the last stage of deletion, called the graveyard. (new)


  • Full per-item approval mechanism. Content will not show up until approved.
  • Versioning of documents. You can specify the number of versions that should be kept on the server per document.
  • New versions of items subject to approval will show up as the last approved version until approved.
  • Templatable User Interface (UI).

Admin functions

  • Export script to export complete DM to a directory on the server's hard disk.
  • Ability to specify Document Administrators. (new)
  • Manage subscriptions to items by individual users. (new)