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Lead Management For Manufacturing Websites

Tired of trying to send leads to the random CRMs your distributors use? After building hundreds of websites for manufacturing companies over the years, we’ve developed a robust lead management tool designed specifically for industrial B2B companies that sell through distribution.

Our cloud-based LMS platform can automatically route leads from your website directly to your regional sales managers, who in turn can funnel the leads to a specific distributor in their region. But we don’t stop there. Our system can also help your sales team follow up with those leads, ensuring that your distributors are taking full advantage.

As the lead moves through the buying process, your team will be able to monitor the status of the lead, ensuring your company is capitalizing on every sales opportunity.

Key Features of the Lead Management System (LMS)

Import Leads From Trade Shows

Leads can be uploaded from a database and other sources. This means you can get your tradeshow lists automatically assigned based on geographical territories. Assign hundreds of leads to your manufacturer reps, all before your morning coffee break.

So Easy A Distributor Will Use It

Let’s face it, in today’s business environment, busy sales reps and distributors don’t have the time to spend hours learning a complicated CRM. And in the case of independent distributors, many already have their own CRM systems and either don’t want to or don’t have the time to manage them. This lead management system requires virtually no training for your sales and distributors to use.

Real-Time Reporting

Administrators, Sales Managers, and Distributors can build reports on-demand. The reports can be filtered by the distributor, lead source, and more. All of the reports generated can be exported to Microsoft Excel with just a few clicks.

Phone Operator Access

Don't lose insights because of phone calls. With our LMS, phone calls can be keyed in by your call center and assigned to your sales reps.

Add Value To Your Distributor Relationships

Show your commitment to generating sales leads for your distributors. Now you can run reports on the leads you send to each of your distributors. There will never be a question again about the value you bring.

All of that is just the tip of the iceberg. The Foremost Media Lead Management System saves time and automates your lead distribution process.

Cloud-Based Software

Follow leads from generation throughout the sales process, all the way to the lead close. All you need is an internet connection and proper credentials. Your distributors can be receiving leads within minutes, not days.

Not Just Another CRM

Our lead management system was created from the ground up, specifically for manufacturers selling through distribution. The goal of the system is not customer relationship management, but lead distribution to distributors.

Plays Nicely With Your Existing CRM

If you're like most companies, you already have an expensive CRM package. Your independent distributors all have their own CRM packages. And none of them talk to each other. Our LMS is not meant to replace your existing CRM. It's a way to quickly get your hot leads into the hands of your sales team and follow that lead through to a sale. As leads are added to the system, they are automatically routed to the correct sales team based on the lead's geographical location. As leads are assigned to your distributors, they are notified by email. Distributors can log in to retrieve the lead as well as update the status of any open leads.

Automatically Capture and Route Website Leads

A quick follow-up on sales leads can mean the difference between a sale's success or failure. Lead generation forms from your website can be set up to automatically populate the lead management system. Get your sales leads into the hands of your sales team while they are still hot.

Sounds great, right? Our LMS is one of many manufacturing website tools we've developed over the year.