
60 Second Hacks to Grow Your Business: Updating Content

In today's 60 second hack to grow your business, we will explain the importance of updating content on your website.

Updating old content on your website is a great way to give new SEO life to old blogs and other content. No matter how great the piece of content was when you wrote it, everything becomes dated over time.

Updating old content can also increase your clickthrough rate. When updating content, the date will refresh and change how your content is shown in the search engine. This practice is also key in refreshing your SEO, by giving you a chance to update meta titles, descriptions, and on-page content.

Optimizing old content can provide a great return on investment (ROI). There is so much fresh content coming out today that outranking your competitors with a brand new blog can be extremely difficult. However, taking an old piece of content that already has some SEO equity and giving it a refresh, will give you a chance to outrank your competitors immediately.